D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov



The division of inorganic and physical chemistry as part of the department of chemistry was founded in 1875. The department of general and inorganic chemistry was founded in 1929. It was headed by Professor Y. S. Przheborovsky. From 1933 to 1936 the head of the department was Professor E. F. Krause. In 1936 the department was divided into the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and the Department of General Chemistry. The Department of Inorganic Chemistry was headed by N.S. Kurnakov. From 1942 to 1988 the head of the department was Academician V.I. Spitsin.
Since 1988 the Department of Inorganic Chemistry has been headed by RAS member, Professor Yury Dmitriyevich Tretyakov.

Tel.: 939-20-74,
e-mail: yudt@inorg.chem.msu.ru
The department specializes in inorganic chemistry as the basis for the elaboration of new generations of functional materials, preparation, studying the structure and main characteristics of inorganic compounds as the basis for elaboration of materials. At present there are 6 laboratories within the department. The total number of personnel is 95, including 16 Doctors and 57 Candidates of Science.

Laboratory of Inorganic Materials Science 

Head of laboratory: RAS member, Professor Yury Dmitriyevich Tretyakov         
Tel.: 939-20-74

Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis 

Head of laboratory - Professor Andrei Vladimirovich Shevelkov
Tel.: 939-33-39
e-mail: shev@inorg.chem.msu.ru

Laboratory of Inorganic Crystal Chemistry 

Head of laboratory: Professor Yevgeny Viktorovich Antipov
Tel.: 939-33-75
e-mail: antipov@icr.chem.msu.ru

Laboratory of Coordination Compounds Chemistry 

Head of laboratory: Professor Andrey Rafailovich Kaul.
Tel.: 939-14-92
e-mail: kaul@inorg.chemmsu.ru

Laboratory of Chemistry and Physics of Semiconductor and Sensors Materials

Head of laboratory - Leading Research Fellow Alexander Mikhailovich Gaskov
Tel.: 939-54-71
e-mail: gaskov@inorg.chem.msu.ru

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